Privacy Policy

Why do we have a Privacy Policy?

We have developed this policy because we want you to feel confident about the privacy and security of your personal information. When we refer to “personal information” in this privacy policy, we mean information, which identifies you as an individual, or is capable of doing so. Accordingly, we may hold and use data about you in your capacity as a consumer, a business customer, as an individual acting on behalf of a business customer, as a , or in any other capacity, for example, when you visit our apps.

Please read this privacy policy carefully. If you are visiting our app or using any of our services, by continuing to do so, you indicate your agreement to our use of your personal information as set out in this privacy policy.

What does this privacy policy cover?

This privacy policy only applies to how Business Name : Challenge Plus deals with your personal information. It does not apply to any other company or to any other company’s apps even if you access them through Business Name : Challenge Plus If you disclose your personal information to other companies your information will be dealt with according to their privacy practices.

What personal information do we collect about you, and when do we collect it?

We may ask you for information to enable us to provide a service to you and we collect this information by telephone, written correspondence or via a app. We may ask you for information including your name, private/business address, contact telephone numbers and email address. We may also ask you for other information that relates to the service you are using or ordering. If you enter into any of our competitions or promotions, we may ask for information about you, which will be made clear at the time you enter. We will also inform you of the purposes for which the information you provide may be used. We may ask you from time to time about what use you make of the services we provide. We collect information from visitors to our apps to help us to make improvements to the apps and to the services we make available. We know, for instance, how many visitors there are to the app, when they visited, for how long and to which areas of our app they went. It helps to show these organizations how effective our apps are as sales channels for their products. You or any other individual cannot be identified from the information we share as the data is aggregated and anonymous. We may also monitor and record our communications with you, including e- mails and phone conversations. Information which we collect may then be used for training purposes, quality assurance, to record details about the products and services you order from us, and in order to meet our legal and regulatory obligations generally. We do not use this information to analyze your visits to any other apps (except that we do track you if you go to apps carrying our banner, but we do not identify personal details while we do this).

What personal information do we collect about you from other companies and organizations?

We may receive personal information about you from other companies and organizations (for example, for marketing purposes) and we rely on these third parties to obtain your consent for us to use this information.

Do we share your personal information with anyone else?

As a normal part of our business we do not share your information with other companies. When we do so, these companies are required to act in accordance with the instructions we give them and they must meet the requirements of the Data Protection Act to keep the information secure. We may share your personal information with other parts of Business Name : Challenge Plus to enable them to conduct their own businesses and to market their products and services to you. We provide this information in accordance with our code of practice on the disclosure of customer information. We may share your personal information with other companies so that they can contact you with details of other products or services you may be interested in. We will only do this if you have agreed to this and where the companies agree to use your personal information for that purpose only. If you have agreed to receive information about products and services from another company and later decide not to you will need to contact that company yourself to let them know. You can of course ask us not to continue to provide your personal information to any more companies in future. We may provide information, in response to properly made requests, for the purposes of the prevention and detection of crime, and the apprehension or prosecution of offenders. We may also provide information for the purpose of safeguarding national security. In either case we do so in accordance with the Data Protection Act.

For how long does APPLICATION & Business Name: CHALLENGE PLUS keep personal information?

The time period for which we keep information varies according to what the information is used for. In some cases, there are legal requirements to keep data for a minimum period. Unless there is a specific legal requirement for us to keep the information, we will retain it for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the data was collected or for which it is to be further processed.

How can I change the personal information Business Name : Challenge Plus holds about me?

If the information we hold about you is inaccurate, please let us know and we will make the necessary amendments and confirm that these have been made.

How do we protect your personal information?

We are serious about guarding the security of your personal information and the details of any transactions made. We take appropriate organizational and technical security measures to protect your data against unauthorized disclosure or processing. We use a secure server to store the information you give us when you register or make an order (including your credit card details and your password). Any personal data you send us on-line is securely encrypted.

How do you find out about changes to our privacy policy?

We may change our privacy policy from time to time. New policies will be published on our web sites.